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  • harpaldr@yahoo.com
What is MAMBS or Bariatric Surgery?

The laparoscopic surgery done for obesity and to control, prevent and treat the metabolic complications related to obesity is called MAMBS. It’s more known as Bariatric Surgery for the layperson.

What level of obesity is dangerous?

The dangerous level is called severe or morbid obesity which is defined as either >200% of ideal weight or >100 lb. (50kgs) overweight or Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or BMI 35 with one or more severe co-morbid conditions.

Who are the candidates for this surgery?

Person who has tried weight loss with non-surgical means and who has BMI >32 with co-morbidities or >37 without co morbid conditions who is physically and mentally healthy enough to undergo a major operation after understanding the details of surgery and risks involved. He must be dedicated to a lifestyle change and lifetime follow-ups. Studies have shown that its almost impossible for a person with BMI >35 to control their weight with only diet and exercise. Their weight and BMI can only be controlled with the help of this surgery along with healthy diet and exercise.

What are the different kind of surgeries done?

There are three different kind of procedures available namely Restrictive, Malabsorptive or Combination of both. There are so many different type of surgeries being done worldwide. Most common surgeries are Sleeve Gastrectomy, Roux En Y Gastric Bypass and Mini Gastric Bypass.

What is Restrictive Surgery?

It is basically a surgery where the capacity to take food is reduced by converting stomach to a small pouch, The smaller stomach pouch fills quickly, helping patients feel satisfied with less food. Example of restrictive bariatric procedures is sleeve gastrectomy.

What is Malabsorptive Procedure?

In this, the small intestine is rerouted so that food skips a portion of it and so some calories and nutrients are not absorbed. Currently, surgeons rarely perform strictly malabsorptive procedures. Most procedures that involve malabsorption include restriction and are called combination procedures.

How these surgeries are performed?

These surgeries are performed by key hole surgery which is known as laparoscopic or minimal access surgery. Patients don't have any pain after this surgery. Patients are usually admitted one day before surgery and discharged on 2nd postoperative day. Patient has to be on full liquid diet for initial days and gradually shifted to normal diet.

Are there any complications with this surgery?

Complications can be there in any surgery or procedure and so is with bariatric surgery. Most common being cardio respiratory complications and the gastrointestinal leaks but these are very uncommon and rare as compared to the risks associated with obesity and its associated conditions.